Apocalyptic Supplies Calculator

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Ultimate Guide to Using the Apocalyptic Supplies Calculator and Preparing for Disasters

In an unpredictable world, preparing for potential disasters is essential. Whether you’re facing natural calamities, societal collapse, or pandemics, having the right supplies can be the difference between survival and peril. To aid in this crucial task, we’ve developed an Apocalyptic Supplies Calculator designed to help you efficiently plan and gather necessary resources. This guide will walk you through using the calculator and provide insights into preparing for various disaster scenarios.

Understanding the Apocalyptic Supplies Calculator

The Apocalyptic Supplies Calculator is a user-friendly tool that helps you determine the amount of essential supplies needed based on the number of people, duration of preparedness, and specific scenarios. Here’s a step-by-step guide to using the calculator:

Step 1: Input Basic Information

  1. Number of People: Enter the number of people you are preparing supplies for. This is crucial as the amount of supplies will scale based on this number.
  2. Duration: Specify the duration for which you need to be prepared (in days, weeks, or months). This helps calculate the total amount of supplies required.
  3. Climate: Choose your climate (hot, cold, or moderate). Climate impacts the amount of water and calories needed.
  4. Scenario: Select the type of scenario you are preparing for (e.g., natural disaster, societal collapse, pandemic). Different scenarios may require different types of supplies.

Step 2: Calculate Essentials

Click on the Calculate Supplies button. The calculator uses established standards to determine the essential supplies needed per person per day:

  • Water: 3 liters for drinking plus 1-2 liters for hygiene.
  • Calories: 2000-3000 calories based on activity level and climate.
  • Protein: 50-100 grams.
  • Fats: 44-77 grams.

Step 3: Customize Your Supply List

Our tool allows you to customize your supply list:

  • Add Custom Items: Enter the name and quantity of any additional supplies you think are necessary (e.g., medications, specific dietary items).
  • Remove Items: Easily remove items from your list if they are not needed.

Step 4: Review and Save Your List

Once you have calculated and customized your list, review the suggested supplies and quantities. Ensure that you have accounted for all possible needs. You can print or save the list for easy reference.

Preparing Your Supplies: Key Considerations


Water is the most critical resource in any disaster scenario. The general recommendation is:

For a family of four preparing for one month in a moderate climate:

Type of WaterDaily RequirementMonthly Requirement
Drinking Water12 liters360 liters
Hygiene Water4-8 liters120-240 liters


Calories are essential for maintaining energy and health during emergencies. The calculator recommends:

  • Calories: 2000-3000 per person per day.
  • Protein: 50-100 grams per person per day.
  • Fats: 44-77 grams per person per day.

For a family of four preparing for one month:

NutrientDaily Requirement (Total)Monthly Requirement (Total)
Calories8000-12000 calories240,000-360,000 calories
Protein200-400 grams6000-12,000 grams
Fats176-308 grams5280-9240 grams

Medical Supplies

Having a well-stocked medical kit is vital. Your kit should include:

  • First Aid Kit: Bandages, antiseptics, gauze, adhesive tape, scissors, tweezers, and gloves.
  • Prescription Medications: Ensure you have an adequate supply of any medications you or your family members need.
  • Over-the-Counter Medications: Pain relievers, antihistamines, antacids, and anti-diarrheal medications.

Hygiene Supplies

Maintaining hygiene during a disaster is crucial to prevent illness:

  • Soap and Hand Sanitizer: Essential for hand hygiene.
  • Toilet Paper and Sanitary Products: Stock up based on your family’s needs.
  • Disinfectants and Cleaning Supplies: Keep areas clean to prevent the spread of germs.

Shelter and Clothing

Proper shelter and clothing can protect you from harsh environmental conditions:

  • Tents and Tarps: For emergency shelter.
  • Sleeping Bags and Blankets: Ensure you have warm bedding.
  • Seasonal Clothing: Pack clothing suitable for the climate you are preparing for.

Tools and Equipment

Tools and equipment can aid in various survival tasks:

  • Multi-tool: Useful for repairs and various tasks.
  • Cooking Supplies: Portable stove, pots, and utensils.
  • Fire-Starting Tools: Matches, lighters, or fire starters.
  • Water Filtration Systems: To ensure safe drinking water.

Defense (Optional)

Depending on the scenario and your location, consider defense items such as:

  • Self-Defense Tools: Pepper spray, personal alarms, or legally permitted weapons.

Additional Tips for Disaster Preparedness

  1. Regular Updates: Review and update your supplies regularly to ensure nothing has expired and that your needs haven’t changed.
  2. Storage: Store supplies in a cool, dry place. Use airtight containers for food and water.
  3. Documentation: Keep copies of important documents (ID, insurance policies) in a waterproof container.
  4. Training: Learn basic first aid and emergency skills. Consider taking a CPR class or survival course.
  5. Communication Plan: Have a plan in place to contact family members or emergency services if needed.

Example Scenario: Preparing for a Natural Disaster

Let’s consider a natural disaster scenario for a family of four in a moderate climate, preparing for one month:

  1. Calculate Essentials:
    • Water: 360 liters (drinking) + 120-240 liters (hygiene)
    • Calories: 240,000-360,000 calories
    • Protein: 6000-12,000 grams
    • Fats: 5280-9240 grams
  2. Medical Supplies:
    • First Aid Kit: Comprehensive with all basic items.
    • Prescription Medications: One-month supply for each family member.
    • OTC Medications: Pain relievers, antihistamines, etc.
  3. Hygiene Supplies:
    • Soap and Hand Sanitizer: Sufficient for a month.
    • Toilet Paper and Sanitary Products: Based on family needs.
    • Disinfectants: For cleaning and sanitizing.
  4. Shelter and Clothing:
    • Tents and Tarps: Enough to accommodate four people.
    • Sleeping Bags and Blankets: Four sets.
    • Seasonal Clothing: Suitable for moderate climate.
  5. Tools and Equipment:
    • Multi-tool: One.
    • Cooking Supplies: Portable stove, pots, and utensils.
    • Fire-Starting Tools: Matches and lighters.
    • Water Filtration System: One.
  6. Defense (Optional):
    • Self-Defense Tools: As needed based on local laws and personal preferences.

Following these guidelines and using the Apocalyptic Supplies Calculator ensures that you and your family are well-prepared for any emergency. Remember, preparedness is an ongoing process, and staying informed and updated on the best practices for disaster readiness is important.

Using the Apocalyptic Supplies Calculator simplifies the process of preparing for disasters by providing tailored supply lists based on your specific needs and scenarios. With the right supplies and a well-thought-out plan, you can face any crisis with confidence. Stay prepared, stay safe, and ensure that you have the necessary resources to protect yourself and your loved ones in any situation.

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